Friday, February 20, 2015


One of my daughter’s favorite movies is Brave. This movie follows a princess, Merida, whose father is the king of the clan. She’s got wild and fiery red and orange hair that is representative of her personality. As a princess she’s required to learn and so certain things that a young girl could probably care less about. Instead Merida would rather do her own thing. She’s quite fond on archery and has acquired quite the skill. Merida is definitely a rebel and quite the spirited young lady. After getting upset hearing that the leaders of the other 3 clans have accepted to bid for Merida’s hand in marriage, which is something Merida does not want. She is not ready for such a big thing and feels she should be able to decide who and when that happens. Merida takes off into the woods where she stumbles upon a cabin. Turns out there is a witch from whom Merida gets a spell that ends up turning her mother into a bear. The king, Merida’s father, is known as the bear king as he has fought and killed many, even had his leg chomped off by one “demon” bear. Turns out the spell that Merida got from the witch will turn permanent unless she can figure out how mend the bond between them. Merida and her mom/bear go on a journey of self-discovery as they search for the answers they need to break the spell. At the last minute the spell is broken and Merida and her mother find themselves closer than ever. 
I absolutely love this movie, and even at almost 5 years old my daughter reminds me so much of Merida. 

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