Thursday, February 12, 2015

dinner vs. supper/pop vs. soda

Dinner vs. supper. Some people refer to the last meal of the day as supper and dinner as the midday meal. Then there are those who refer to the last meal of the day as dinner and the midday meal as lunch. I have always wondered why this is and how we came about to use the two terms. According to and various other websites that said the same thing, dinner is considered the main meal of the day. So technically it could be evening or midday. Apparently supper is a lighter, evening meal with lunch being its midday equivalent. Sources say that supper came about by farmers who would typically eat bigger meals midday and meanwhile would have soup cooking throughout the day for the evening meal. Apparently they would “sup” the soup which lead to the term supper. It’s funny how within our own culture we say it differently. I for example call my evening meal dinner, where as a friend of mine calls it supper.
This reminds me of pop vs. soda. Whatever you call it depends on the culture. According to, the Midwest largely calls it pop, maybe even sodapop. The east and west coast typically refer to it as soda with the south calling it coke, regardless of what kind it actually is. There are also some that refer to it as a soft drink.
Isn’t it funny how within the same country we can have such differing terms for essentially the same thing?

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